
Burning Your Boats_A Victorian Fable(with Glossary)


Burning Your Boats 精彩片段:

A Victorian Fable(with Glossary)

The Village, take a fright.

In the rookeries.

Here the sloops of war and the dollymops flash it to spie a dowry of parny; there the bonneters cooled their longs and shorts in the hazard drums.

In every snickert and ginnel, bone-grubbers, rufflers, shivering-jemmies, anglers, clapperdogeons, peterers, sneeze-lurkers and Whip Jacks with their morts, out of the picaroon, fox and flimp and ogle.

A Hopping Giles gets a bloody Jemmy on the cross of a cut-throat; the snotters crib belchers, birds eye wipes, blue billies and Randals men.

In a boozing ken in the Holy Land, a dunk-horned cutter -- a cock-eyed clack box in flashy benjamin and blood red fancy -- shed a tear by the I desire.

But when he got the water of life down the common sewer, he bullyragged so antiscripturally that the barney hipped and nabbed the rust.

"This shove in the mouth makes me shoot the cat! Me dumpling depot is fair all-overish!"

He certainly had his hump up. He absquatulated. The bung cried: "Square the omee for the cream of the valley!" But the splodger had mizzled with his half-a-grunter.

At his ruggy carser, his poll -- a killing, ginger-hackled skull-thatcher -- kept on the nose for her jomer.

She had faked the rubber for her mendozy and got him up an out and out glorious sinner. There was an alderman in chains, a Ben Flake, a neddy of Sharps Alley blood worms, with Irish apricots, Joe Savace and storrac.

"Pray God," she said, "that he be neither beargeared, bleary, blued, primed, lumpy, top-heavy, moony, scammered, on the ran-tan, ploughed, muddled, obfuscated, swipy, kisky, sewed up nor all mops and brooms! Or that he hasnt lapped the gutter, cant see a hole in a ladder or been to Bungay Fair and lose both his legs!"

But what a flare-up in the soush! He dropped into her on the spot. Hed got a capital twist for a batty fang and he showed her it was dragging time; she was sick as a horse. He was a catchy fancy-bloke.

"You mouldy old bed-fagot, you rotten old gooseberry pudden, you ugly old Gill, you flea-ridden old moll!" he blasted. "Ill give you jessie, you Mullingar heifer!"


Burning Your Boats (Short Stories Collection),本书完整收录安洁拉·卡特创作生涯中的短篇小说。其中包括四册曾独立出版之作品:《烟火》,《染血之室》,《黑色维纳斯》, 《美国鬼魂与旧世界奇观》),另外还收录卡特从未出版单行本之六篇遗珠小说。著名小说家鲁西迪特别作序推荐。





Burning Your Boats》最热门章节:
1About the Author2First Publications3Appendix4The Quilt Maker-25The Quilt Maker-16The Snow Pavilion-27The Snow Pavilion-18The Scarlet House-29UNCOLLECTED STORIES-The Scarlet House-110A Victorian Fable(with Glossary)