
Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts_A Few Moments of Sleeping and Waking


Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts 精彩片段:

A Few Moments of Sleeping and Waking

EDWARD WOKE up. Pia was already awake.

"What did you dream?"

"You were my brother," Pia said. "We were mak?ing a film. You were the hero. It was a costume film. You had a cape and a sword. You were jump?ing about, jumping on tables. But in the second half of the film you had lost all your weight. You were thin. The film was ruined. The parts didnt match."

"I was your brother?"

Scarlatti from the radio. It was Sunday. Pete sat at the breakfast table. Pete was a doctor on an American nuclear submarine, a psychiatrist. He had just come off patrol, fifty-eight days under the water. Pia gave Pete scrambled eggs with mush?rooms, wienerbrod, salami with red wine in it, bacon. Pete interpreted Pias dream.

"Edward was your brother?"


"And your real brother is going to Italy, you said."


"It may be something as simple as a desire to travel."

Edward and Pia and Pete went for a boat ride, a tour of the Copenhagen harbor. The boat held one hundred and twenty tourists. They sat, four tour?ists abreast, on either side of the aisle. A guide spoke into a microphone in Danish, French, Ger?man, and English, telling the tourists what was in the harbor.

"I interpreted that dream very sketchily," Pete said to Edward.


"I could have done a lot more with it."


唐纳德·巴塞尔姆Donald Barthelme(1931年4月7日—1989年7月23日)是美国后现代主义小说家,代表作是《白雪公主》。他一生写了大量的短篇小说,并曾从事新闻记者、杂志编辑等工作,并曾在纽约城市大学任教。

虽然以短篇小说文明,巴塞尔姆一生中亦著有四部中长篇小说:《白雪公主》(Snow White),《死去的父亲》(The Dead Father),《天堂》(Paradise)以及 The King。他的一百多篇短篇收集在 《Come Back, Dr. Caligari》、 《Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts》《City Life》和《Sadness》等书中。另外,它的大部分作品汇集在了《故事六十篇》(Sixty Stories)和《故事四十篇》(Forty Stories)之中。巴塞尔姆还著有一些非小说书籍,如:《Guilty Pleasures》、《Not-Knowing: The Essays and Interviews of Donald Barthelme》。并和女儿一道写了儿童文学作品《The Slightly Irregular Fire Engine》,并因此在1972年获得美国国家图书奖。



标签:Unspeakable PracticesUnnatural Acts唐纳德·巴塞尔姆

Unspeakable Practices, Unnatural Acts》最热门章节:
1See the Moon?2The President3A Picture History of the War4Alice5Game6Can We Talk7A Few Moments of Sleeping and Waking8Edward and Pia9The Police Band10The Dolt