
The Poetry of Federico García Lorca_Sonnet of the Sweet Complaint


The Poetry of Federico García Lorca 精彩片段:

Sonnet of the Sweet Complaint

Sonnet of the Sweet Complaint

Never let me lose the marvel

of your statue-like eyes, or the accent

the solitary rose of your breath

places on my cheek at night.

I am afraid of being, on this shore,

a branchless trunk, and what I most regret

is having no flower, pulp, or clay

for the worm of my despair.

If you are my hidden treasure,

if you are my cross, my dampened pain,

if I am a dog, and you alone my master,

never let me lose what I have gained,

and adorn the branches of your river


费德里科·加西亚·洛尔迦(federico garcia lorca,1989-1936)是20世纪最伟大的西班牙诗人、27年一代的代表人物。这位安达卢西亚之子把他的诗同西班牙民间歌谣创造性地结合起来,创造出了一种全新的诗体:节奏优美哀婉,形式多样,词句形象,想象丰富,民间色彩浓郁,易于吟唱,同时又显示出超凡的诗艺。近70年来,他的诗歌作品对世界诗坛产生了巨大影响,难怪美国著名诗人勃莱谈到他的作品时说:洛尔迦的诗歌佳作是人类智力的楷模。



The Poetry of Federico García Lorca》最热门章节:
1Weeping2The Little Mute Boy3The Gypsy and the Wind4The Faithless Wife5Sonnet of the Sweet Complaint6Soneto7Serenata8Saturday Paseo: Adelina9Romance Sonambulo10Romance Sonámbulo