
The Kolynos Kid

From ayah to Widow, Ive been the sort of person to whom things have been done; but Saleem Sinai, perennial victim, persists in seeing himself as protagonist. Despite Marys crime; setting aside typhoid and snake venom; dismissing two accidents, in washing chest and circus ring (when Sonny Ibrahim, master lock breaker, permitted my budding horns of temples to invade his forcep hollows, and through this combination unlocked the door to the midnight children); disregarding the effects of Evies push and my mothers infidelity; in spite of losing my hair to the bitter violence of Emil Zagallo and my finger to the lip licking goads of Masha Miovic; setting my face against all indications to the contrary, I shall now amplify, in the manner and with the proper solemnity of a man of science, my claim to a place at the centre of things.

… Your life, which will be, in a sense, the mirror of our own, the Prime Minister wrote, obliging me scientifically to face the question: In what sense? How, in what terms, may the career of a single . individual be said to impinge on the fate of a nation? I must answer in adverbs and hyphens: I was linked to history both literally and metaphorically, both actively and passively, in what our (admirably modern) scientists might term modes of connection composed of dualistically combined configurations of the two pairs of opposed adverbs given above. This is why hyphens are necessary: actively literally, passively metaphorically, actively metaphorically and pas sively literally, I was inextricably entwined with my world.

Sensing Padmas unscientific bewilderment, I revert to the inexactitudes of common speech: By the combination ofactive and literal I mean, of course, all actions of mine which directly literally affected, or altered the course of, seminal historical events, for instance the manner in which I provided the language marchers with their battle cry. The union of passive and metaphorical encompasses all socio political trends and events which, merely by existing, affected me metaphorically for example, by reading between the lines of the episode entitled The Fishermans Pointing Finger, you will perceive the unavoidable connection between the infant states attempts at rushing towards full sized adulthood and my own early, explosive efforts at growth… Next, passive and literal, when hyphenated, cover all moments at which national events had a direct bearing upon the lives of myself and my family under this heading you should file the freezing of my fathers assets, and also the explosion at Walkeshwar Reservoir, which unleased the great cat invasion. And finally there is the mode of the active metaphorical, which groups together those occasions on which things done by or to me were mirrored in the macrocosm of public affairs, and my private existence was shown to be symbolically at one with history. The mutilation of my middle finger was a case in point, because when I was detached from my fingertip and blood (neither Alpha nor Omega) rushed out in fountains, a similar thing happened to history, and all sorts of everywhichthing began pouring out all over us; but because history operates on a grander scale than any individual, it took a good deal longer to stitch it back together and mop up the mess.

Passive metaphorical, passive literal, active metaphorical: the Midnight Childrens Conference was all three; but it never became what I most wanted it to be; we never operated in the first, most significant of the modes of connection. The active literal passed us by.

Transformation without end: nine fingered Saleem has been brought to the doorway of the Breach Candy Hospital by a squat blonde nurse whose face is frozen into a smile of terrifying insincerity. He is blinking in the hot glare of the outside world, trying to focus on two swimming shadow shapes coming towards him out of the sun; See? the nurse coos, See whos come to get you, then? And Saleem realizes that something terrible has gone wrong with the world, because his mother and father, who should have come to collect him, have apparently been transformed en route into his ayah Mary Pereira and his Uncle Hanif.

Hanif Aziz boomed like the horns of ships in the harbour and smelted like an old tobacco factory. I loved him dearly, for his laughter, his unshaven chin, his air of having been put together rather loosely, his lack of co ordination which made his every movement fraught with risk. (When he visited Buckingham Villa my mother hid the cut glass vases.) Adults never trusted him to behave with proper decorum (Watch out for the Communists! he bellowed, and they blushed), which was a bond between himself and all children other peoples children, since he and Pia were childless. Uncle Hanif who would one day, without warning, take a walk off the roof of his home.

… He wallops me in the back, toppling me forwards into Marys arms. Hey, little wrestler! You look fine! But Mary, hastily, But so thin, Jesus! They havent been feeding you properly? You want cornflour pudding? Banana mashed with milk? Did they give you chips?… while Saleem is looking round at this new world in which everything seems to be going too fast; his voice, when it comes, sounds high pitched, as though somebody had speeded it up: Amma Abba? he asks. The Monkey? And Hanif booms, Yes, tickety boo! The boy is really ship shape! Come on phaelwan: a ride in my Packard, okay? And talking at the same time is Mary Pereira, Chocolate cake, she is promising, laddoos, pista ki lauz, meat samosas, kulfi. So thin you got, baba, the wind will blow you away. The Packard is driving away; it is failing to turn off Warden Road, up the two storey hillock; and Saleem, Hanif mamu, where are we… No time to get it out; Hanif roars, Your Pia aunty is waiting! My God, you see if we dont have a number one good time! His voice drops conspiratorially: Lots, he says darkly, of fun. And Mary: Arre baba yes! Such steak! And green chutney!… Not the dark one, I say, captured at last; relief appears on the cheeks of my captors. No no no, Mary babbles, light green, baba. Just like you like. And, Pale green! Hanif is bellowing, My God, green like grasshoppers!

All too fast… we are at Kemps Corner now, cars rushing around like bullets… but one thing is unchanged. On Ids billboard, the Kolynos Kid is grinning, the eternal pixie grin of the boy in the green chlorophyll cap, the lunatic grin of the timeless Kid, who endlessly squeezes an inexhaustible tube of toothpaste on to a bright green brush: Keep Teeth Kleen And Keep Teeth Brite, Keep Teeth Kolynos Super White!… and you may wish to think of me, too, as an involuntary Kolynos Kid, squeezing crises and transformations out of a bottomless tube, extruding time on to my metaphorical toothbrush; clean, white time with green chlorophyll in the stripes.

This, then, was the beginning of my first exile. (There will be a second, and a third.) I bore it uncomplainingly. I had guessed, of course, that there was one question I must never ask; that I had been loaned out, like a comic book from the Scandal Point Second Hand Library, for some indefinite period; and that when my parents wanted me back, they would send for me. When, or even if: because I blamed myself not a little for my banishment. Had I not inflicted upon myself one more deformity to add to bandylegs cucumbernose horn temples staincheeks? Was it not possible that my mutilated finger had been (as my announcement of my voices had nearly been), for my long suffering parents, the last straw? That I was no longer a good business risk, no longer worth the investment of their love and protection?… I decided to reward my uncle and aunt for their kindness in taking in so wretched a creature as myself, to play the model nephew and await events. There were times when I wished that the Monkey would come and see me, or even call me on the phone; but dwelling on such matters only punctured the balloon of my equanimity, so I did my best to put them out of my mind. Besides, living with Hanif and Pia Aziz turned out to be exactly what my uncle had promised: lots of fun.

They made all the fuss of me that children expect, and accept graciously, from childless adults. Their flat overlooking Marine Drive wasnt large, but there was a balcony from which I could drop monkey nut shells on to the heads of passing pedestrians; there was no spare bedroom, but I was offered a deliciously soft white sofa with green stripes (an early proof of my transformation into the Kolynos Kid); ayah Mary, who had apparently followed me into exile, slept on the floor by my side. By day, she filled my stomach with the promised cakes and sweetmeats (paid for, I now believe, by my mother); I should have grown immensely fat, except that I had begun once again to grow in other directions, and at the end of the year of accelerated history (when I was only eleven and a half) I had actually attained my full adult height, as if someone had grasped me by the folds of my puppy fat and squeezed them harder than any toothpaste tube, so that inches shot out of me under the pressure. Saved from obesity by the Kolynos effect, I basked in my uncle and aunts delight at having a child around the house. When I spilt 7 Up on the carpet or sneezed into my dinner, the worst my uncle would say was Hai yo! Black man! in his booming steamships voice, spoiling the effect by grinning hugely. Meanwhile, my aunty Pia was becoming the next in the long series of women who have bewitched and finally undone me good and proper.

(I should mention that, while I stayed in the Marine Drive apartment, my testicles, forsaking the protection of pelvic bone, decided prematurely and without warning to drop into their little sacs. This event, too, played its part in what followed.)

My mumani my aunty the divine Pia Aziz: to live with her was to exist in the hot sticky heart of a Bombay talkie. In those days, my uncles career in the cinema had entered a dizzy decline, and, for such is the way of the world, Pias star had gone into decline along with his. In her presence, however, thoughts of failure were impossible. Deprived of film roles, Pia had turned her life into a feature picture, in which I was cast in an increasing number of bit parts. I was the Faithful Body Servant: Pia in petticoats, soft hips rounding towards my desperately averted eyes, giggling while her eyes, bright with antimony, flashed imperiously Come on, boy, what are you shy for, holds these pleats in my sari while I fold. I was her Trusted Confidant, too. While my uncle sat on chlorophyll striped sofa pounding out scripts which nobody would ever film, I listened to the nostalgic soliloquy of my aunt, trying to keep my eyes away from two impossible orbs, spherical as melons, golden as mangoes: I refer, you will have guessed, to the adorable breasts of Pia mumani. While she, sitting on her bed, one arm flung across her brow, declaimed: Boy, you know, I am great actress; I have interpreted several major roles! But look, what fate will do! Once, boy, goodness knows who would beg absolutely to come to this flat; once the reporters of Filmfare and Screen Goddess would pay black money to get inside! Yes, and dancing, and I was well known at Venice restaurant all of those great jazzmen came to sit at my feet, yes, even that Braz. Boy, after Lovers of Kashmir, who was a bigger star? Not Poppy; not Vyjayantimala; not one person! And I, nodding emphatically, no naturally nobody, while her wondrous skin wrapped melons heaved and… With a dramatic cry, she went on: But even then, in the time of our world beating fame, every picture a golden jubilee movie, this uncle of yours wants to live in a two room flat like a clerk! So I make no fuss; I am not like some of your cheap type actresses; I live simply and ask for no Cadillacs or air conditioners or Dunlopillo beds from England; no swimming pools shaped like bikinis like that Roxy Vishwanathams! Here, like a wife of the masses, I have stayed; here, now, I am rotting! Rotting, absolutely. But I know this: my face is my fortune; after that, what riches do I need? And I, anxiously agreeing: Mumani, none; none at all. She shrieked wildly; even my slap deafened ear was penetrated. Yes, of course, you also want me to be poor! All the world wants Pia to be in rags! Even that one, your uncle, writing his boring boring scripts! О my God, I tell him, put in dances, or exotic locations! Make your villains villainous, why not, make heroes like men! But he says, no, all that is rubbish, he sees that now although once he was not so proud! Now he must write about ordinary people and social problems! And I say, yes, Hanif, do that, that is good; but put in a little comedy routine, a little dance for your Pia to do, and tragedy and drama also; that is what the Public is wanting! Her eyes were brimming with tears. So you know what he is writing now? About… she looked as if her heart would break … the Ordinary Life of a Pickle Factory!

Shh, mumani, shh, I beg, Hanif mamu will hear!

Let him hear! she stormed, weeping copiously now; Let his mother hear also, in Agra; they will make me die for shame!

Reverend Mother had never liked her actress daughter in law. I overheard her once telling my mother: To marry an actress, whatsits name, my son has made his bed in the gutter, soon, whatsitsname, she will be making him drink alcohol and also eat some pig. Eventually, she accepted the inevitability of the match with bad grace; but she took to writing improving epistles to Pia. Listen, daughter, she wrote, dont do this actressy thing. Why to do such shameless behaviour? Work, yes, you girls have modern ideas, but to dance naked on the screen! When for a small sum only you could acquire the concession on a good petrol pump. From my own pocket I would get it for you in two minutes. Sit in an office, hire attendants; that is proper work. None of us ever knew whence Reverend Mother acquired her dream of petrol pumps, which would be the growing obsession of her old age; but she bombarded Pia with it, to the actresss disgust.

Why that woman doesnt ask me to be shorthand typist? Pia wailed to Hanif and Mary and me at breakfast. Why not taxi driver, or handloom weaver? I tell you, this pumpery shumpery makes me wild.

My uncle quivered (for once in his life) on the edge of anger. There is a child present, he said, and she is your mother; show her respect.

Respect she can have, Pia flounced from the room, but she wants gas… And my most treasured bit part of all was played out when during Pia and Hanifs regular card games with friends, I was promoted to occupy the sacred place of the son she never had. (Child of an unknown union, I have had more mothers than most mothers have children; giving birth to parents has been one of my stranger talents a form of reverse fertility beyond the control of contraception, and even of the Widow herself.) In the company of visitors, Pia Aziz would cry: Look, friends, heres my own crown prince! The jewel in my ring! The pearl in my necklace! And she would draw me towards her, cradling my head so that my nose was pushed down against her chest and nestled wonderfully between the soft pillows of her indescribable… unable to cope with such delights, I pulled my head away. But I was her slave; and I know now why she permitted herself such familiarity with me. Prematurely testicled, growing rapidly, I nevertheless wore (fraudulently) the badge of sexual innocence: Saleem Sinai, during his sojourn at his uncles home, was still in shorts. Bare knees proved my childishness to Pia; deceived by ankle socks, she held my face against her breasts while her sitar perfect voice whispered in my good ear: Child, child, dont fear; your clouds will soon roll by.

For my uncle, as well as my histrionic aunt, I acted out (with growing polish) the part of the surrogate son. Hanif Aziz was to be found during the day on the striped sofa, pencil and exercise book in hand, writing his pickle epic. He wore his usual lungi wound loosely around his waist and fastened with an enormous safety pin; his legs protruded hairily from its folds. His fingernails bore the stains of a lifetime of Gold Flakes; his toenails seemed similarly discoloured. I imagined him smoking cigarettes with his toes. Highly impressed by the vision, I asked him if he could, in fact, perform this feat; and without a word, he inserted Gold Flake between big toe and its sidekick and wound himself into bizarre contortions. I clapped wildly, but he seemed to be in some pain for the rest of the day.

I ministered to his needs as a good son should, emptying ashtrays, sharpening pencils, bringing water to drink; while he, who after his fabulist beginnings had remembered that he was his fathers son and dedicated himself against everything which smacked of the unreal, scribbled out his ill fated screenplay.

Sonny Jim, he informed me, this damn country has been dreaming for five thousand years. Its about time it started waking up. Hanif was fond of railing against princes and demons, gods and heroes, against, in fact, the entire iconography of the Bombay film; in the temple of illusions, he had become the high priest of reality; while I, conscious of my miraculous nature, which involved me beyond all mitigation in the (Hanif despised) myth life of India, bit my lip and didnt know where to look.

Hanif Aziz, the only realistic writer working in the Bombay film industry, was writing the story of a pickle factory created, run and worked in entirely by women. There were long scenes describing the formation of a trade union; there were detailed descriptions of the pickling process. He would quiz Mary Pereira about recipes; they would discuss, for hours, the perfect blend of lemon, lime and garam masala. It is ironic that this arch disciple of naturalism should have been so skilful (if unconscious) a prophet of his own familys fortunes; in the indirect kisses of the Lovers of Kashmir he foretold my mother and her Nadir Qasims meetings at the Pioneer Cafe; and in his unfilmed chutney scenario, too, there lurked a prophecy of deadly accuracy.

He besieged Homi Catrack with scripts. Catrack produced none of them; they sat in the small Marine Drive apartment, covering every available surface, so that you had to pick them off the toilet seat before you could lift it; but Catrack (out of charity? Or for another, soon to be revealed reason?) paid my uncle a studio salary. That was how they survived, Hanif and Pia, on the largess of the man who would, in time, become the second human being to be murdered by mushrooming Saleem.

Homi Catrack begged him, Maybe just one love scene? And Pia, What do you think, village people are going to give their rupees to see women pickling Alfonsos? But Hanif, obdurately: This is a film about work, not kissing. And nobody pickles Alfonsos. You must use mangoes with bigger stones.

The ghost of Joe DCosta did not, so far as I know, follow Mary Pereira into exile; however, his absence only served to increase her anxiety. She began, in these Marine Drive days, to fear that he would become visible to others besides herself, and reveal, during her absence, the awful secrets of what happened at Dr Narlikars Nursing Home on Independence night. So each morning she left the apartment in a state of jelly like worry, arriving at Buckingham Villa in near collapse; only when she found that Joe had remained both invisible and silent did she relax. But after she returned to Marine Drive, laden with samosas and cakes and chutneys, her anxiety began to mount once again… but за I had resolved (having troubles enough of my Own) to keep out of all heads except the Childrens, I did not understand why.

Panic attracts panic; on her journeys, sitting in jam packed buses (the trams had just been discontinued), Mary heard all sorts of rumours and tittle tattle, which she relayed to me as matters of absolute fact. According to Mary, the country was in the grip of a sort of supernatural invasion. Yes, baba, they say in Kurukshetra an old Sikh woman woke up in her hut and saw the old time war of the Kurus and Pandavas happening right outside! It was in the papers and all, she pointed to the place where she saw the chariots of Arjun and Kama, and there were truly wheel marks in the mud! Baap re baap, such so bad things: at Gwalior they have seen the ghost of the Rani of Jhansi; rakshasas have been seen many headed like Ravana, doing things to women and pulling down trees with one finger. I am good Christian woman, baba; but it gives me fright when they tell that the tomb of Lord Jesus is found in Kashmir. On the tombstones are carved two pierced feet and a local fisherwoman has sworn she saw them bleeding real blood, God save us! on Good Friday… what is happening, baba, why these old things cant stay dead and not plague honest folk? And I, wide eyed, listening; and although my uncle Hanif roared with laughter, I remain, today, half convinced that in that time of accelerated events and diseased hours the past of India rose up to confound her present; the new born, secular state was being given an awesome reminder of its fabulous antiquity, in which democracy and votes for women were irrelevant… so that people were seized by atavistic longings, and forgetting the new myth of freedom reverted to their old ways, their old regionalist loyalties and prejudices, and the body politic began to crack. As I said: lop off just one ringer tip and you never know what fountains of confusion you will unleash.

And cows, baba, have been vanishing into thin air; poof! and in the villages, the peasants must starve.

It was at this time that I, too, was possessed by a strange demon; but in order that you may understand me properly, I must begin my account of the episode on an innocent evening, when Hanif and Pia Aziz had a group of friends round for cards.

My aunty was prone to exaggerate; because although Filmfare and Screen Goddess were absent, my uncles house was a popular place. On card evenings, it would burst at the seams with jazzmen gossiping about quarrels and reviews in American magazines, and singers who carried throat sprays in their handbags, and members of the Uday Shankar dance troupe, which was trying to form a new style of dance by fusing Western ballet with bharatanatyam; there were musicians who had been signed up to perform in the All India Radio music festival, the Sangeet Sammelan; there were painters who argued violently amongst each other. The air was thick with political, and other, chatter. As a matter of fact, I am the only artist in India who paints with a genuine sense of ideological commitment! O, its too bad about Ferdy, hell never get another band after this Menon? Dont talk to me about Krishna. I knew him when he had principles. I, myself, have never abandoned…… One, Hanif yaar, why we dont see Lal Qasim here these days? And my uncle, looking anxiously towards me: Shh… what Qasim? I dont know any person by that name.

… And mingling with the hubbub in the apartment, there was the evening colour and noise of Marine Drive: promenaders with dogs, buying chambeli and channa from hawkers; the cries of beggars and bhcl puri vendors; and the lights coming on in a great arcing necklace, round and up to Malabar Hill… I stood on the balcony with Mary Pereira, turning my bad ear to her whispered rumours, the city at my back and the crowding, chatting card schools before my eyes. And one day, amongst the card players, I recognized the sunken eyed, ascetic form of Mr Homi Catrack. Who greeted me with embarrassed heartiness: Hi there, young chap! Doing fine? Of course, of course you are!

My uncle Hanif played rummy dedicatedly; but he was in the thrall of a curious obsession namely, that he was determined never to lay down a hand until he completed a thirteen card sequence in hearts. Always hearts; all the hearts, and nothing but the hearts would do. In his quest for this unattainable perfection, my uncle would discard perfectly good threes of a kind, and whole sequences of spades clubs diamonds, to the raucous amusement of his friends. I heard the renowned shehnai player Ustad Changez Khan (who dyed his hair, so mat on hot evenings the tops of his ears were discoloured by running black fluid) tell my uncle: Come on, mister; leave this heart business, and just play like the rest of us fellows. My uncle confronted temptation; then boomed above the din, No, dammit, go to the devil and leave me to my game! He played cards like a fool; but I, who had never seen such singleness of purpose, felt like clapping.

One of the regulars at Hanif Azizs legendary card evenings was a Times of India staff photographer, who was full of sharp tales and scurrilous stories. My uncle introduced me to him: Heres the fellow who put you on the front page, Saleem. Here is Kalidas Gupta. A terrible photographer; a really badmaash type. Dont talk to him too long; hell make your head spin with scandal! Kalidas had a head of silver hair and a nose like an eagle. I thought he was wonderful. Do you really know scandals? I asked him; but all he said was, Son, if I told, they would make your ears burn. But he never found out that the evil genius, the eminence grise behind the greatest scandal the city had ever known was none other than Saleem Snotnose… I mustnt race ahead. The affair of the curious baton of Commander Sabarmati must be recounted in its proper place. Effects must not (despite the tergiversatory nature of time in 1958) be permitted to precede causes.

I was alone on the balcony. Mary Pereira was in the kitchen helping Pia to prepare sandwiches and cheese pakoras; Hanif Aziz was immersed in his search for the thirteen hearts; and now Mr Homi Catrack came out to stand beside me. Breath of fresh air, he said. Yes, sir, I replied. So, he exhaled deeply. So, so. Life is treating you good? Excellent little fellow. Let me shake you by the hand. Ten year old hand is swallowed up by film magnates fist (the left hand; the mutilated right hand hangs innocently by my side)… and now a shock. Left palm feels paper being thrust into it sinister paper, inserted by dexterous fist! Catracks grip tightens; his voice becomes low, but also cobra like, sibilant; inaudible in the room with the green striped sofa, his words penetrate my one good ear: Give this to your aunty. Secretly secretly. Can do? And keep mum; or Ill send the police to cut your tongue out. And now, loud and cheery. Good! Glad to see you in such high spirits! Homi Catrack is patting me on the head; and moving back to his game.

Threatened by policemen, I have remained silent for two decades; but no longer. Now, everything has to come out.

The card school broke up early: The boy has to sleep, Pia was whispering, Tomorrow he goes to school again. I found no opportunity of being alone with my aunt; I was tucked up on my sofa with the note still clutched in my left fist. Mary was asleep on the floor… I decided to feign a nightmare. (Deviousness did not come unnaturally to me.) Unfortunately, however, I was so tired that I fell asleep; and, in the event, there was no need to pretend: because I dreamed the murder of my classmate Jimmy Kapadia.

… We are playing football in the main stairwell at school, on red tiles, slipping sliding. A black cross set in the blood red tiles. Mr Crusoe at the head of the stairs: Mustnt slide down the banisters boys that cross is where one boy fell.Jimmy plays football on the cross. The cross is lies, Jimmy says, They tell you lies to spoil your fun. His mother calls up on the telephone. Dont play Jimmy your bad heart. The bell. The telephone, replaced, and now the bell… Ink pellets stain the classroom air. Fat Perce and Glandy Keith have fun. Jimmy wants a pencil, prods me in the ribs. Hey man, you got a pencil, give. Two ticks, man. I give. Zagallo enters. Zagallos hand is up for silence: look at my hair growing on his palm! Zagallo in pointy tin soldier hat… I must have my pencil back. Stretching out my finger giving Jimmy a poke. Sir, please look sir, Jimmy fell! Sir I saw sir Snotnose poked! Snotnose shot Kapadia, sir! Dont play Jimmy your bad heart! You be quiet, Zagallo cries, Jongle feelth, shut up.

Jimmy in a bundle on the floor. Sir sir please sir will they put up a cross? He borrowed a pencil, I poked, he fell. His father is a taxi driver. Now the taxi drives into class; a dhobi bundle is put on the back seat, out goes Jimmy. Ding, a bell. Jimmys father puts down the taxi flag. Jimmys father looks at me: Snotnose, youll have to pay the fare. But please sir havent got the money sir. Arid Zagallo: Well put it on your bill. See my hair on Zagallos hand. Flames are pouring from Zagallos eyes. Five hundred meelion, whats one death? Jimmy is dead; five hundred million still alive. I start counting: one two three. Numbers march over Jimmys grave. One million two million three million four. Who cares if anyone, anyone dies. One hundred million and one two three. Numbers march through the classroom now. Crushing pounding two hundred million three four five. Five hundred million still alive. And only one of me…

… In the dark of the night, I awoke from the dream of Jimmy Kapadias death which became the dream of annihilation by numbers, yelling howling screaming, but still with the paper in my fist; and a door flew open, to reveal my uncle Hanif and aunt Pia. Mary Pereira tried to comfort me, but Pia was imperious, she was a divine swirl of petticoats and dupatta, she cradled me in her arms: Never mind! My diamond, never mind now! And Uncle Hanif, sleepily: Hey, phaelwan! Its okay now; come on, you come with us; bring the boy, Pia! And now Im safely in Pias arms; Just for tonight, my pearl, you can sleep with us! and there I am, nestling between aunt and uncle, huddling against my mumanis perfumed curves.

Imagine, if you can, my sudden joy; imagine with what speed the nightmare fled from my thoughts, as I nestled against my extraordinary aunts petticoats! As she re arranged herself, to get comfortable, and one golden melon caressed my cheek! As Pias hand sought out mine and grasped it firmly… now I discharged my duty. When my aunts hand wrapped itself around mine, paper passed from palm to palm. I felt her stiffen, silently; then, although I snuggled up closer closer closer, she was lost to me; she was reading in the dark, and the stiffness of her body was increasing; and then suddenly I knew that I had been tricked, that Catrack was my enemy; and only the threat of policemen prevented me from telling my uncle.

(At school, the next day, I was told of Jimmy Kapadias tragic death, suddenly at home, of a heart seizure. Is it possible to kill a human being by dreaming his death? My mother always said so; and, in that case, Jimmy Kapadia was my first murder victim. Homi Catrack was to be the next.)

When I returned from my first day back at school, having basked in the unusual sheepishness of Fat Perce and Glandy Keith (Lissen, yaar, how did we know your finger was in the… hey, man, we got free tickets for a picture tomorrow, you want to come?) and my equally unexpected popularity (No more Zagallo! Solid, man! You really lost your hair for something good!), aunty Pia was out. I sat quietly with uncle Hanif while, in the kitchen, Mary Pereira prepared dinner. It was a peaceful little family scene; but the peace was shattered, abruptly, by the crash of a slamming door. Hanif dropped his pencil as Pia, having slammed the front door, flung open the living room door with equal force. Then he boomed cheerfully, So, wife: whats the drama? … But Pia was not to be defused. Scribble, she said, her hand slicing air, Allah, dont stop for me! So much talent, a person cannot go to the pot in this house without finding your genius. Are you happy, husband? We are making much money? God is good to you? Still Hanif remained cheerful. Come Pia, our little guest is here. Sit, have tea… Actress Pia froze in an attitude of disbelief. O God! Such a family I have come to! My life is in ruins, and you offer tea; your mother offers petrol! All is madness… And uncle Hanif, frowning now: Pia, the boy…A shriek. Ahaaa! The boy but the boy has suffered; he is suffering now; he knows what it is to lose, to feel forlorn! I, too, have been abandoned: I am great actress, and here I sit surrounded by tales of bicycle postmen and donkey cart drivers! What do you know of a womans grief? Sit, sit, let some fat rich Parsee film producer give you charity, never mind that your wife wears paste jewels and no new saris for two years; a womans back is broad, but, beloved husband, you have made my days into deserts! Go, ignore me now, just leave me in peace to jump from the window! I will go into the bedroom now, she concluded, and if you hear no more from me it is because my heart is broken and I am dead. More doors slammed: it was a terrific exit.

Uncle Hanif broke a pencil, absent mindedly, into two halves. He shook his head wonderingly: Whats got into her? But I knew. I, bearer of secrets, threatened by policemen, I knew and bit my lip. Because, trapped as I was in the crisis of the marriage of my uncle and aunt, I had broken my recently made rule and entered Pias head; I had seen her visit to Homi Catrack and knew that, for years now, she had been his fancy woman; I had heard him telling her that he had tired of her charms, and there was somebody else now; and I, who would have hated him enough just for seducing my beloved aunt, found myself hating him twice as passionately for doing her the dishonour of discarding her.

Go to her, my uncle was saying, Maybe you can cheer her up.

The boy Saleem moves through repeatedly slammed doors to the sanctum of his tragic aunt; and enters, to find her loveliest of bodies splayed out in wondrous abandon across the marital bed where, only last night, bodies nestled against bodies where paper passed from hand .to hand… a hand flutters at her heart; her chest heaves; and the boy Saleem stammers, Aunt, О aunt, Im sorry.

A banshee wail from the bed. Tragediennes arms, flying outwards towards me. Hai! Hai, hai! Ai hai hai! Needing no further invitation, I fly towards those arms; I fling myself between them, to lie atop my mourning aunt. The arms close around me, tightertighter, nails digging through my school white shirt, but I dont care! Because something has started twitching below my S buckled belt. Aunty Pia thrashes about beneath me in her despair and I thrash with her, remembering to keep my right hand clear of the action. I hold it stiffly out above the fray. One handed, I begin to caress her, not knowing what Im doing, Im only ten years old and still in shorts, but Im crying because shes crying, and the room is full of the noise and on the bed as two bodies thrash, two bodies begin to acquire a kind of rhythm, unnameable unthinkable, hips pushing up towards me, while she yells, О! О God, О God, O! And maybe I am yelling too, I cant say, something is taking over from grief here, while my uncle snaps pencils on a striped sofa, something getting stronger, as she writhes and twists beneath me, and at last in the grip of a strength greater than my strength I am bringing down my right hand, I have forgotten my finger, and when it touches her breast, wound presses against skin…

Yaaaouuuu! I scream with the pain; and my aunt, snapping out of the macabre spell of those few moments, pushes me off her and delivers a resounding wallop to my face. Fortunately, it is the left cheek; there is no danger of damage to my remaining good ear. Badmaash! my aunty screams, A family of maniacs and perverts, woeis me, what woman ever suffered so badly?

There is a cough in the doorway. I am standing up now, shivering with pain. Pia is standing, too, her hair dripping off her head like tears. Mary Pereira is in the doorway, coughing, scarlet confusion all over her skin, holding a brown paper parcel in her hands.

See, baba, what I have forgotten, she finally manages to say, You are a big man now: look, your mother has sent you two pairs of nice, white long trousers.

After I got so indiscreetly carried away while trying to cheer up my aunt, it became difficult foi me to remain in the apartment on Marine Drive. Long intense telephone calls were made regularly during the next few days; Hanif persuading someone, while Pia gesticulated, that perhaps now, after five weeks… and one evening after I got back from school, my mother picked me up in our old Rover, and my first exile came to an end.

Neither during our drive home, nor at any other time, was I given any explanation for my exile. I decided, therefore, that I would not make it my business to ask. I was wearing long pants now; I was, therefore, a man, and must bear my troubles accordingly. I told my mother: The finger is not so bad. Hanif mamu has taught me to hold the pen differently, so I can write okay. She seemed to be concentrating very hard on the road. It was a nice holiday, I added, politely. Thank you for sending me.

O child, she burst out, with your face like the sun coming out, what can I tell you? Be good with your father; he is not happy these days. I said I would try to be good; she seemed to lose control of the wheel and we passed dangerously near a bus. What a world, she said after a time, Terrible things happen and you dont know how.

I know, I agreed, Ayah has been telling me. My mother looked at me fearfully, then glared at Mary in the back seat. You black woman, she cried, what have you been saying? I explained about Marys stories of miraculous events, but the dire rumours seemed to calm my mother down. What do you know, she sighed, You are only a child.

What do I know, Amma? I know about the Pioneer Cafe! Suddenly, as we drove home, I was filled once again with my recent lust for revenge upon my perfidious mother, a lust which had faded in the brilliant glare of my exile, but which now returned and was united with my new born loathing of Homi Catrack. This two headed lust was the demon which possessed me, and drove me into doing the worst thing I ever did… Everything will be all right, my mother was saying, You just wait and see. Yes, mother.

It occurs to me that I have said nothing, in this entire piece, about the Midnight Childrens Conference; but then, to tell the truth, they didnt seem very important to me in those days. I had other things on my mind.

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